Travel tips and inspiration for fun and authentic adventures abroad

About me

Oh, hi there internet stranger.

My name is Dajana (pronounced like “Diana”) and I’m an adventurer, data nerd, travel blogger and photographer, currently based in Toronto, Canada.

I started Where’s Dee Now as a way to share my passion for travel. I post inspiration, guides and advice for other adventure-seeking travellers. 

Why I travel 🌍

For me, travel has always been a great source of inspiration, an outlet for expressing my curiosity, and a key input to expanding my mental model of our increasingly complex world.

How it started 🐥

I was born in Bosnia & Hercegovina (B&H for short) and fled to Canada with my mom and grandmother when I was 4 years old to escape the Bosnian War of the 1990s.

I went back to visit the Balkans with my family several times throughout my childhood, so my first travel memories include wandering the cobblestone streets of Sarajevo’s Old Town, and swimming and playing on the beautiful beaches of the Croatian seaside.

Creating core memories ❤️

In highschool, when I had the opportunity to attend the annual class Europe trip to France and Italy, I jumped on it without hesitation. The 10-day experience majorly broadened my understanding of our little blue planet.

I didn’t get to travel overseas again until I had graduated from my Master’s program. As a graduation trip, I went to Thailand for the first time with a couple of friends. Yet again,had another amazing experience.

Around the same time, I started working in tech consulting, which opened up new travel opportunities for me. I got to collect lots of travel points and went to places I’d never even considered before.

Travel stayed with me after I left my consulting job too.

In true millennial fashion, I recently took an adult gap year to travel and pursue interests and passions that I previously could never quite find time for.

Examples include eating and drinking my way through Italy, adventuring through B&H, learning how to surf in Morocco, and starting this blog.

I also got married to my favourite travel partner and now hubby, Huzai.

How it’s going 👩‍💻

Currently, I work full-time in the analytics field and use most of my time off to travel. I’m also looking to explore opportunities and destinations to work remotely.

I’m excited to share more about myself and my travel experiences with you!

Photography 📸

Unless otherwise noted, the photos and videos you see on this blog are taken with my:

  • Canon R6 + RF 35mm F1.8 / + RF 100-500mm F4.5-7.1
  • GoPro Hero* 10 (RIP)
  • Iphone 13 Pro Max